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Reasons Of Increase In Population Of Pakistan

Pakistan being a developed country faces the problem of population. During the past 25 years cultivable land has increased by 27 per cent compared to 98 percent increase in population , resulting in reduced individual land more forest to be cut to make way for humanity . Even now each year , deforestation occurs at the rate of 2.5 percent . In addition , since only 60 % of our population has sewerage facility . Rising level of income and easy availability of loan facility/financing on the other has lead to an increase in motorization in the country.


  1. Tropical hot climate 
  2. Poverty
  3. Polygamy
  4. Illiteracy
  5. Joint family system 
  6. Marriage a religious
  7. Lack of recreation facilities
  8. Desires for male child 
  9. Unawareness of family planning 

Pakistan climate is hot , puberty is attained at an early age therefore people marry early and have more children . Due to poverty , daughters are treated as economic burden , people cannot provide their food , clothing and other facilities of life and in order to shake of their burden , they marry girls at early age .
because of polygamy more births take place . People are illiterate and cannot understand the disadvantage of large family . 

Marriage is treated as sacred duty and children are treated as blessings of God. Most of people are poor and live in small town and villages . They do not have any recreational facilities for pleasure and enjoyment of life . People feel pride on the birth of their male baby . Sons are regarded as helpers and supporters of their family . People are not interested in family planning programs nor they are interested in it . 

  1. Decrease in per capita income
  2. Increase in unemployment 
  3. Increase in general price level 
  4. Decrease in savings and investments 
  5. Increase in pollution 
  6. Decrease in agricultural output 
  7. Shortage in health and education facilities.
