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Showing posts from January, 2020

Essay On Qualities Of A Good Citizen For All Grade Students

Citizen is a person who is entitled to enjoy all the legal rights and privileges granted by the state to the person comprising its constituency and is obligated to obey its law and fulfill his or her duties as a citizen of that state .  To be a good citizen you have to be a good person first . Being a good citizen is very important . A good citizen is a person who works hard , helps other and respect the law . A good citizen is one who is honest and trustworthy , who follow rules and laws, respect the property of others , take responsibility of their actions.  Being a good citizen means caring for others and you community . Caring for others means that you are not selfish when it comes to helping others. Responsible citizen make community strong and happy . Honesty and compassion is the most important characteristics of a good citizen. Respect for self and others is an important citizen trait. Man is a social animal. He cannot live without a societ...

All About Empowering Women Of Today's World

  WOMEN EMPOWERMENT     Empowerment is an authority or power given to someone to do something. It is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's right. Thus, women empowerment is the process in which women elaborate and recreate what it is that they can be, do and accomplish.                    It is clear and obvious fact that no society can make progress without women education. That's why education in Islam id declared necessary for one's life. Islam has given a very honorable place to women.  In abroad women are working side by side with mom.  Women are playing vital and active part in every field of life. Empowering girls and women is powered. Empowering women is the key to build a future we want. Women's empowerment in Pakistan is totally depends on some variables that includes location i.e Urban and Rural areas, status o...

Complete Information About Islamic Banking And Its Principles

DEFINITION OF BANK : There are different kinds of banks performing various types of functions hence a general and comprehensive definition of a bank should have its own definition . ACCORDING TO DR HERBERT L . HART :    "A banker includes a body of persons whether in corporate or not who carry on the business of banking ." ISLAMIC BANKING : The first modern Islamic bank established in Eygpt 1972. Islamic accounting , an essential tool for the success of Islamic banks , is to have been developed con-temporaneously at the University of Cairo. Islamic bank is also known as Non interest bank .  I slamic banking is based on principles of  Islamic or Sharia law.Islamic banking operations are not limited to Arab soil , or Islamic countries but are spreading throughout the world . People are taking more interest towards Islamic banking . The reason may be the growing trend towards transecting national boundaries . Since Muslims are inclined to fol...

Essay On Information Technology For All Grades Students

IMPORTANCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: INTRODUCTION: Computer is an amazing machine. Few tools can help us perform so many different tasks in so many areas of our life than a computer . Whether we want to track an investment , publish a newsletter , design a building , we can use computer to do it . Computers have changed the way some businesses and industries function. Computer has become so fundamental to modern society that without them our economy would grind to a halt. They are such flexible tools that most people in the business community use them everyday . Office workers use them to write letters , keep employee rosters , create budgets , communicate with business partners locally and internationally .  Computers play vital role in Accounting department for organizing and manipulating large sets of numbers which accounting department do daily . Computers are now considered essential for human being . Nowadays people cannot survive without computers . It is the nee...

Reasons Of Increase In Population Of Pakistan

INTRODUCTION : Pakistan being a developed country faces the problem of population. During the past 25 years cultivable land has increased by 27 per cent compared to 98 percent increase in population , resulting in reduced individual land more forest to be cut to make way for humanity . Even now each year , deforestation occurs at the rate of 2.5 percent . In addition , since only 60 % of our population has sewerage facility . Rising level of income and easy availability of loan facility/financing on the other has lead to an increase in motorization in the country. REASONS OF INCREASE IN POPULATION: Tropical hot climate  Poverty Polygamy Illiteracy Joint family system  Marriage a religious Lack of recreation facilities Desires for male child  Unawareness of family planning  Pakistan climate is hot , puberty is attained at an early age therefore people marry early and have more children . Due to poverty , daughters are treated as economi...

What Are The 5 Things That You Must Quit Immediately ?

INTRODUCTION : D o you guys know what are the five things that should quit immediately . We are sharing five bad habits that are harming your mental health and you should quit them right now . Trying to please everyone  Fearing change Living in the past  Putting yourself down  Overthinking TRYING TO PLEASE EVERYONE : T he very first thing to quit is to trying to please everyone . You cannot every time satisfied every one with you . If the person is happy with you than its good but if not then you do not have to please them or make them to respect you if they do not want . FEARING CHANGE : The fear of change or changing is called Metathesiophobia . It is often linked with Tropophobia which is the fear of moving . This specific phobia sometimes can reduce persons will to live . You should have to overcome from this fearing change to live a happy life . LIVING IN THE PAST : Most of the people are still living in the past . This habit should b...

What Are The Important Life Lessons That People Don't Know ?

INTRODUCTION: H ere we are discussing about some things which people learn too late in life . This lesson must be learnt by every person in earth that : everything is temporary in this world . Life is not fair . Others treat you the way you treat yourself. Happiness is a choice and requires Hard work, Beneath anger is always fear. Family are the people who truly love you . Things do not matter that much. A lifetime is not very long. You played it too safe , you should of taken more risks . Always be the best person you can be . Be kind even when you are tired . Be understanding even when you are angry . Do more then you are asked , and do not ask anything in return . Do not silently expect anything either . Listen when someone talks , and really listen too, stop just thinking of how you will reply . Tell people that you love them and that you appreciate them . Go out of your way to do things for people . Be the greatest person you can possibly be and when you mess...

Common Things That Motivates A Person Everyday To Achieve Goals

INTRODUCTION : Do you guys knows the meaning of motivation ?  Motivation is said to be known as a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way .What are the things that motivate a person in life ???  This is the most common question that comes in every person mind that what should i made my motivation in life. Motivation helps a person in succeeding in life.  COMMON FACTOR THAT MOTIVATES A PERSON LIFE : Here is the list of some common factors that motivates a person in life to achieve his goals. 1) Power and fame  2) The passion  3) Recognition  4) Money and reward  5) Helping others etc . When we are motivated by money , praise ,award , recognition and benefits . This type of motivation is known as EXTRINSIC motivation . It relies on external rewards to achieve motivation . And the motivation to perform an activity for its own sake and personnel reward is known as INTRINSIC motivation . Motiv...

Most Common Yet Important Interview Question " Why Do We Hire You" ?

INTRODUCTION : The most common question that is asked from every candidate selected for interview is that WHY DO WE HIRE YOU ??? And it is question that can help you to crack your interview . Mostly candidates do not know the correct answer of this question . Here i will help you guys to find the most appropriate answer of this question .  Firstly we will look at the answer which is not appropriate for this question . ANSWER WHICH SHOULD NOT BE GIVEN FOR THIS QUESTION : When employer is asking you tell us why should we hire you ? you should not give answer like , i really need this job please hire me sir or begging employer to hire you . No , this is totally wrong , it is leaving the wrong impression on employer.  To answer this question , you need to have a strong handle on your fit at the organization which require some research . WHAT IS THE MOST APPROPRIATE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION ? Here is the list of some answers which are most appropriate to answer this qu...

How Can We Create Stress Free Environment ?

HOW TO CREATE STRESS FREE ENVIRONMENT ? INTRODUCTION: Our productivity is impacted by our level of organization. It bothers most people and causes stress. The disorganization drags many workers down. Clutter is likely slowing down your mental energy and making it more difficult to function. STRESS FREE ENVIRONMENT :  Plants helps a lot  to create a stress free environment , all you have to do is add a little green to your work space  in the form of plants.  Artificial plants will not help out in relieving  from stress, so don’t even bother with them.  Instead, pick up only real, live, oxygen-generating plants.   Are you feeling stressed on your work environment by your co-worker who talks to loud on the phone? Or do you feel annoyed or angry because your boss always looks over your shoulder? Your Co-workers do not communicate well or misbehaved? Figure out an effective way of communicating your frustrations or concerns. First...

Top 5 Ideas Of Business Related To E commerce

    INTRODUCTION:        • Plenty of eCommerce  business ideas exist in the world today. Some are worth pursuing and others are not. It is up to the prudent entrepreneur to research and find out which ones to try        •Here I will describe 5 business ideas related to E commerce  namely beauty health products , selling second hand products, smart watches , smart home products and content writings etc                     1  BEAUTY AND HEALTH PRODUCTS :   This idea is especially good for young people with great marketing skills. As long as you are able to communicate the importance of the products you’re selling in people’s lives, your chances of success are high.  2 SELLING SECOND HANDS PRODUCTS:     People don’t mind using second-hand products as long as they are quality  products and are in good condition . All you have to d...


INTRODUCTION: Do you guys know what are the keys to achieve your goals in life ??? Here i m sharing with you guys only four (4) tips which i always follow when i m  looking forward to achieve any goal in life .                               1. MAKE A COMMITMENT :         The very first thing that comes in my mind is commitment . Goals require commitment and dedication . Without commitment you can never achieve success in life . It is the essential step that must be followed .                                                                                                                   ...